Test yourself for Depression
Our free depression test determines if you are depressed based on the verified symptoms defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) - the same reference that is used by clinical diagnosticians (Psychiatrists) around the world.
- Are you depressed?
- Test for symptoms defined by the American Psychiatric Association
- Take steps to prevent depression or treat it if necessary

That Old Black Dog
Unrelenting self criticism can form the basis for many types of depression and makes the fight against depression even more difficult. When we're feeling most vulnerable a harsh inner voice only serves to remind us of our inadequacies. Why can't I just be happy? What is wrong with me? Why am I always depressed? Why can't I just snap out of it? The inner voice can be entirely counterproductive to what we need and a contributor to the underlying causes of depression.
Should you trust an online depression test?
No online test is a substitute for professional assistance but our depression test can help you to identify the problems in your beliefs and cognitions which contribute to depression. Research into the relationship between self criticism and depression by Chris Brewin, and Jenny Firth-Cozens has demonstrated that a high level of self criticism is a significant predictor of depression. In the study 318 medical students were surveyed and evaluated for symptoms of depression at both 2 and 10 years following the initial survey. Self criticism was a significant predictor of depression at both stages in male and females. It also outperformed dependency another commonly used method to predict depression. Numerous studies have supported the notion that being highly self-critical increases our vulnerability to depression. Our test compares your levels of self criticism to the 20,000+ people who have completed the test.
Besides the test, how else will I know I'm depressed?
If you've taken the depression test and believe you may be depressed there are a number of other symptoms you can look out for. Monitoring these symptoms closely and seeking the advice of your doctor will help you better manage your mental health.
- An inability to feel pleasure
- Never ending Grief and Misery
- A feeling of hopelessness
- Everything is draining
- You can't sleep, or sleep all the time
Doing things which once brought you pleasure no longer seem to be enjoyable. You can find yourself feeling numb and wonder if you'll always feel this way.
Bad things happen in life and it's perfectly normal to feel grief and miserable as a result. With depression the grief and misery tends to stick around for far longer than it normally would. In time you realize it's about the only feeling you're familiar with and you've felt it for weeks, months or even a number of years.
You've tried so many times, nothing seems to bring joy and you can't escape the cloud that follows. Depression can feel inescapable. More severe types of depression cause underlying changes in the neurochemistry of our brain. The most effective treatments take time and require changes to our thought patterns, addressing the underlying neurochemistry problems with drugs and looking at how our social lives and interactions can help. Depression is something many face multiple times throughout life. Some types of depression are seasonal and major events can also trigger a relapse. A 2008 study by Spanish Psychologist Luis Pintor and Cristobal Gasto found that 15% of unipolar major depression sufferers experienced a relapse. There is hope and you won't always feel this way, treatments are becoming more effective and research is shedding new light on the underlying causes.
During a major depressive episode your brain undergoes something called 'psychomotor retardation'. It slows down our thought processes, makes routine everyday things incredibly draining, causes procrastination and many other symptoms. It's not your fault, it's part of an illness which requires treatment.
Depending upon the type of depression you may be suffering you'll either feel tired and drained all the time or find yourself extremely energetic and awake at all hours.
If you've noticed any of these symptoms do not feel guilty about feeling them or who you are, talk to your doctor, your friends and family. Bottling your emotions will only contribute to the problem when help is readily available.
I think I might be depressed, now what?
One of the symptoms of depression is difficulty in finding energy for day to day life. It can be hard mustering the energy to get out of bed and get dressed, things you did automatically before your depression. This is not a problem of self discipline or simply needing to muscle yourself into duty, it's due to underlying chemical changes in the brain. Beginning treatment itself may seem like an arduous task but making a decision to seek help is an excellent first step.
- Do not feel alone
- Treatments do work
- Healthcare professionals want to help
- Depression is a biological and psychological disorder
- The sooner you find help the better
- See your treatment through till the end
In every part of the world, in all religions and at all stages of life depression is a relatively common occurrence. According to the world health organization it affects more than 350 million people annually.
According to the University of Washington 80% of people undertaking treatment for clinical depression improve their lives. There are many types of treatments available for varying types of depression.
Depression is a complex but well researched illness. Both your chances and speed of recovery are greatly improved when you undertake treatment.
Like diabetes depression causes underlying changes in our bodies and is not something you can simply 'snap out of'. The most effective treatments focus on addressing problems with our thought patterns, such as with cognitive behaviour therapy and the underlying physiological problems with medication, diet and exercise.
The sooner you seek help the easier it will be to treat your depression. Even if you're unsure if you're suffering from depression or a more temporary mood change it is worth seeking help to avoid what can become a more difficult problem to deal with.
According to a study conducted in Spain only 1 in 6 people experience depression again after reaching the point of full remission. Sadly 2 out of 3 suffer a major depressive episode when left partially treated.
Sample Report
Sample ReportHigh Risk of Major Depressive Disorder.
Based on the answers you have provided and the criteria outlined in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) you are at significant risk of having Major Depressive Disorder (also known as clinical depression).
Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by a pervasive and persistant low mood which is accompanied by low self-esteem and by a loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.